Scenography, Theory

Research, Presentations and Publications

Research, Presentations and Publications | Practical Definition of Scenography | Le Balet Comique de la Royne, 1581


Kaelin, Valérie C. Business Card Graphic for Danse Baroque. Referenced from sketches of Jean Bérain. Elaine Biagi Turner, 1988.


Patin, Jacques. Printed by Ballard in Balet comique de la Royne, faict aux nopces de Monsieur le Duc de Joyeuse & madamoyselle de Vaudemont sa sœur. Par Baltasar de Beaujoyeulx, valet de chambre du Roy, & de la Royne sa mere ; Fichier:Fountain chariot from the Ballet Comique de la Reine, 1581.jpg ; in Contributeurs de Wikipédia, "Présence italienne en France," Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre, (Page consultée le décembre 27, 2012).

Research, Presentations and Publications in Scenography, Spatiality and Spatial Representation

Of Special Note: Research Reconstruction of “Le Balet comique de la Royne, 1581.”


In 1986, I collaborated with Dianne Woodruff, then Chair of the Graduate Program in Dance at York University, to recreate using a maquette, la Salle du Petit Bourbon from a facsimile of the original French manuscript, written by its scenographer, Jacques Patin. Being raised on the transcriptions of fairytales by Charles Perrault, Mme. d’Aulnoy and Mme. LePrince de Beaumont, Patin’s middle French still proved accessible. The English translation by Carol and Lander MacClintock switched the word “dessous” with “dessus,” and misconstrued a circumference and a diameter, thus obscuring the geometry of the fountain wagon represented in the accompanying engraving. Patin’s introduction provides wonderful insight into the practice of baroque scenography. As I laboured on what seemed like the longest possible storybook math problem, Beverly Zawitkoski executed its pieces from my calculations. The photographer is Brian McNeil.




Scholarly Journals

——— and Homayouni. “Partners in Imaging Spatial Dexterity: Math and Scenography.” The Journal of the Image 2, Issue 4 (2013).

——— and Soheil Homayouni.
"The Choreography of Mental Rotation: Partnering Math and Image in Virtual Space."
Journal of the Image.
Typeset proof approved, publication pending.

“Consider Including Cognitive Scientists on Your Architectural Teams: Providing Access for Hidden Disabilities.” Journal of the Constructed Environment. Typeset proof approved, publication pending.

Associate Editor.
Journal of the Image.
Common Ground Publisher, 2012.

Associate Editor.
Journal of the Constructed Environment.

Common Ground Publisher, 2012.

In: Woodruff, Dianne L.
“The Balet Comique in the Petit Bourbon: A Practical View.”
Toronto: 1986.



Soiled and Seeded; Cultivating a garden culture, 8th issue:
“The Fruits of Observation.” 
November 06, 2012.
Featuring photographs from “Every Garden an Eden” series.


Queen Gallery, Online

“El Gallo Chantecler, the Gestural Charms of Kamyl Bullaudy.”
November 11-30, 2010.

"Irans's Steadman: Touka Lampoons our Wicked World."
September 23-October 5, 2010.


Inclusion in Exhibition Catalogues

World Stage Design
an International Exhibition of Lighting and Sound Design 2005 Exhibition Catalogue, as well as

Designer Shorts - A Brief Look at Contemporary Canadian Stage Designers and their Work.
Ed. Peter McKinnon.
Streetsville, Ontario: Associated Designer’s of Canada, 2005.


Boutiller, Randall. Cover Art for Designer Shorts: A Brief Look at Contemporary Canadian Stage Designers and their Work. Edited by Peter McKinnen. Toronto: Associated Designers of Canada, 2005.

Fielding, Eric. Cover Art for World Stage Design: an International Exhibition of Set, Costume, Lighting and Sound Design. Executive Editor, Design and Layout by Eric Fielding. USITT, the US Centre of OISTAT: Syracuse, NY, 2005

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Articles in Trade Journals


“Professional Development is for all DGC Ontario Members.”
features ontario March / April 2004: 5.

“Political Analysis of Stress in Costume-Related Fields.”
Theatre Design and Technology, the Journal of USITT
Fall 1982: 11-14.

“Low Cost Fabric Modification-Recipes from the Bratislava Workshops”.
Theatre Crafts March/April 1979: 34-40.


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2nd Annual Conference of the Constructed Environment, 29-30 October, 2011, Chicago.
Virtual Presentation; Stream: Social Impacts.
“Consider Including Cognitive Scientists on Your Architectural Teams: Providing Access for Hidden Disabilities.”


The Second International Conference on the Image, September 26-27, 2011, San Sebastian, Spain.
Virtual presentation. Valérie C. Kaelin, and Soheil Homayouni.
"The Choreography of Mental Rotation: Partnering Math and Image in Virtual Space."


Panel Chair:
Ryerson University Faculty Conference, May 17, 2011.Toronto.
"Interdisciplinary Efforts to Foster the Hidden but Critical Faculty of Mental Rotation."
Valérie C. Kaelin, School of Image Arts; Soheil Homayouni, Mathematics Department; Anne Johnson, Chemistry and Biology Department; and Ben Dyson, Psychology Department.


Panel Chair:
INTED (International Technology, Education and Development Conference)
2010, 8th-10th March, Valencia, Spain. Virtual  Presentation. Valérie Kaelin, et al.
“Bridging Disciplines and Technologies to Experience and Represent Spatiality at the Undergraduate Level; a Project in Ongoing Development."


"Scripting the Desire to Forbid Desire, the Scenographies of Pablo Neruda's
'Ode to a Rooster and other Angry Spaces."
Symposium Monitoring Scenography 3: Space and  Desire / Raum und Begehren.

Institute for Design and Technology, Zurich University of the Arts. 2009.



In Attendance:
33rd Annual Conference of the International Merleau-Ponty Circle:
Time, Memory, Self: Remembering Merleau-Ponty at 100.

September 18-20, 2008 at Ryerson University.


In attendance:
regarding bequest of the EF Kaelin working library to Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University.
Contact: Dr. Kym McLaren.


Manual Drafting, Animated Module #1
shown in the DMP Playroom, Ryerson University Faculty Conference, Experience It! on May 14, 2007.
[Internal link to Module 2, using an image of the cover art.]


“Tracking the Tiger: Using Museum Artefacts to Inform Production Design.”
The Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto. 2001.
[Internal link to Tiger under Art>Construction, using an image of the Tiger Hat.]


“Crouch a Tiger or a Dragon on Your Head.”
The Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto. 2001.


Seminar Leader:
“The Design Presentation.”
ADFC Wardrobe Seminar, Toronto 1990.


Co-Presenter, Woodruff, Dianne L.
“Research on the Petit Bourbon as a Performance Space"
with Valerie Kaelin. York University: November 19, 1986
Unavailable to present with her, University of Toronto: March 3, 1987.


Panel Chair:
“Costume Holdings in Canada.”
Annual ATA (American Theatre Association)
Convention, Metro Toronto Reference Library, 1985.


Panel Chair:
“Costume for Modern Dance.”
Annual USITT Convention, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1983.


Annual USITT Costume Commission Symposium, NY, NY, 1979.


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