Scenography, Pedagogy

V. C. KAELIN, Biography

Biography | Roots: Lester Polakov | Teaching at Glendon College | Teaching at Ryerson University


V. C. KAELIN, Biography


Valérie C. Kaelin currently coordinates The Certificate in Design for Arts and Entertainment at The Raymond G. Chang School of Continuing Education and teaches aspects of scenography for that programme as for The School of Image Arts. She also lectures at York University’s bilingual Glendon College in Department of Multidisciplinary Studies. The academic year of 2012-13 gave her opportunity to develop the course, “Spatiality and Spatial Representation,” the culmination of five year’s research, as an interdisciplinary subject made available to undergraduate students from disciplines across the arts and sciences.


Teaching CV, in chronological flow


1972 - 1976     
BA, Fine Art, Florida State University (Magna Cum Laude)
1974 - Florence, Italy Study Program


1976 - 1978
MFA, Theatre, Florida State University (Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi)
1977 - Costume Apprenticeship, The Oregon Shakespearean Festival
1977 - USITT Travel Grant to Bratislava, the former ČSSR


Instructor of Costume Class and Laboratory
School of Theatre, Florida State University, Tallahassee


1980 - 1982
Costume Designer-in-Residence
Lecturer: California State University, Fresno


1982 - 1986
Assistant Professor, Scenography, The Drama Department
Established the Costume Shop and Designed the Costume Curriculum
Concordia University, Montréal, Canada


1986 - 1994
Lecturer and Designer, York University School of Theatre


1996 - present
Sessional Instructor, The School of Image Arts, Ryerson University


1997 - 1998
Sessional Instructor, The School of Theatre, Ryerson University


Training Coordinator, The Director’s Guild of Canada


DGC Art Department Caucus Trainer


2006 - present
Author, Coordinator: The Certificate in Design for Arts and Entertainment
The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University


Manual Drafting, Animation Module I (Flash). Digital Media Office Project Grant.
Used in all technical drawing courses. Copyright, the author’s.


2008 - present
Sessional Instructor, Département d’Études Pluridisciplinaires / Department of Multidisciplinary Studies.
Collège Glendon College. Université York University.


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