Scenography, Pedagogy

Teaching at Glendon College

Biography | Roots: Lester Polakov | Teaching at Glendon College | Teaching at Ryerson University


Teaching at Glendon College


When Valérie C. Kaelin first arrived in Toronto, she began teaching production classes at York University’s Theatre Department on Keele Campus. Eventually, Philip Silver and she designed the course, “Visual Studies for the Designer.”  This is how her passion for world art, design and scenography was cemented. They, then later Peter McKinnon and subsequent teachers, invested countless hours of study, in shooting slides, and logging matching source cards by hand to create the necessary visual library.


Working digitally now, one can still remember the weight of the books and waiting for slide development. The experience inspired the desire to create an interdisciplinary world history of scenography for The Certificate in Design for Arts and Entertainment.


Since 2008 Valérie has taught the following courses in the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies:

“Art in Society, 19th and 20th Centuries”

“Design in Society”

“Spatiality and Spatial Representation,” cross-assigned to Drama Studies.


I must thank my chair, Jocelyn Martel, for creating this opportunity. The course has been a marvellous opportunity to apply research begun with the Module I and Module II projects and the articles that followed since 2007. It is surprising, really, that the study of this ubiquitous phenomenon remains locked away as a sub-topic of so many disciplines, including philosophy, mathematics, physics, cognitive psychology, anthropology, art, architecture, theatre and more. I must thank Vivienne Monty, the talented and devoted Frost Library librarian at Glendon College for the customized, on line research library worthy of a graduate program that she assembled for an undergraduate class. Thanks, too, to the Keele campus audio-visual library for shipping films to the Glendon campus for us to view.


Our topics include:

Figure-Ground Theory
Sphericity and Gravity
Migratory Patterns
Site Analysis
Egocentric Space
Allocentric Space
Field Experiences at Glendon Gallery
Technical Drawing
Filmic Space

Outer Space
Temporal Space
Metaphysical Space
Psychological Models of Space
Social Space and Its Institutions
Spaces of the Human Body
Roaming and Ownership
Dwellings and Imprisonment
Performance Space and Scenography



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CMS “Teaching at Glendon College.” Valérie C. Kaelin Website; Scenography; Pedagogy; January 1, 2013. Accessed  Month, Day, Year.

MLA “Teaching at Glendon College.” Valérie C. Kaelin Website. Toronto, 1 Jan. 2013. Web. Add Day, Abbreviation for Month, Year.