“Eugene F. Kaelin: A Bibliography of His Writings” qtd. in Special Issue: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Kaelin. From The Journal of Aesthetic Education. Vol. 32. No. 1. Spring 1998. pp. 73-79.
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Copyright 1998 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Used with permission of the University of Illinois Press. This material may not be reproduced, photocopied, reposted online or distributed in any way without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Digitized, with permission: Valérie C. Kaelin, 2012. Additional entry: In the Academy; Between Two Cultures. Toronto: Polyglot Press and Promotions, 2006.
Books | Books Edited | Monographs | Book Forewards
Essays | Articles | Review Articles | Review Notes
Conference Papers | Translation | Instructional Module
L’Esprit, le soi et la société (Translation of C. H. Mead’s Mind, Self, and Society, in collaboration).
Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1962.
An Existentialist Aesthetic. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962.
Art and Existence.
Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1970.
The Unhappy Consciousness:
The Poetic Plight of Samuel Beckett. Vol 13 of Analecta Husserliana.
Dordrecht, Holland, and Hingham, Mass.: Reidel Publishing, 1981.
Heidegger’s Being and Time: A Reading for Readers. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1988.
An Aesthetics for Art Educators.
New York: Teachers College Press, 1989.
In the Academy; Between Two Cultures.
Toronto: Polyglot Press and Promotions, 2006.
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Books Edited
Man and Value: Essays in Honor of William H. Werkmeister. Tallahassee: University Presses of
Florida, 1981. This volume includes three of Kaelin’s essays, (i) Preface, pp. vii-ix; (ii) “The
Enduring Person,” pp. 11-21; (iii) “From Aesthetics to Metaphysics,” pp. 323-50.
Phenomenology in America. Vol. 26 of Analecta Husserliana, with Calvin O. Schrag. Dordrecht,
Holland: D. Reidel Publishing, 1989.
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An Existential-Phenomenological Account
of Aesthetic Education. Penn State Papers in Art
Education, No. 4. University Park: Pennsylvania State University, 1968.
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Book Forewards
Foreword to Thauma Idesthai, by Raymond A. Prier, ix-xxx.
Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1989.
Guest foreword to Martin Heidegger on the Way, by W. H. Werkmeister, ed. Richard T. Hull, xxix-
xlii. VIBS, Rodopi, 1996.
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“Being in the Body.” In NAPECW Report on Aesthetics and Human Movement, 83-103. Washing,
D.C.: NARECW, 1964. Reprinted in Sport and the Body: A Philosophical Symposium, ed.
Ellen W. Gerber, 165-74. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972; also 1974. Re-edited by
Ellen W. Gerber and William J. Morgan, 1979, 167-76.
“Three Stages on Sartre’s Way.” In European Philosophy Today, ed. G. L. Kline, 93-111. Chicago:
Quadrangle Books, 1965.
“Variety”and “Nicht mehr Fliehen.” In Classics of the Film, ed. A. Lenning, 106-9, 132-37. Madison:
Wisconsin Film Society Press, 1965.
“The Visibility of Things Seen:
A Phenomenological View of Painting.” In An Invitation to
Phenomenology, ed. J. Edie, 30-58. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965.
“Notes toward an Understanding of Heidegger’s Aesthetics.” In Phenomenology and Existentialism,
ed. Edward N. Lee and Maurice Mandelbaum, 59-92. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1967.
“Epoché and Relevance in Aesthetic Discourse.” In Aesthetic Concepts and Education, ed. Ralph
A. Smith, 135-63. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970.
"The Teaching of Contemporary Art.” In Conference on Art Criticism and Art Education, ed. David
W. Ecker, Irving Sandler, and Jerome Hausman, 25-37. New York: Office of Field
Research and School Services, New York University, 1970.
“The Limits of Aesthetic Inquiry:
A Guide to Educational Research.” In Philosophical Redirection of
Educational Research, NSSE Yearbook, 258-86. Chicago: National Society for the Study
of Education, 1972.
“The Institutional Prospects of Aesthetic Education,” with David W. Ecker. In The Arts and
Aesthetics: An Agenda for the Future, Vol. 1, 1-13. St. Louis: CEMREL, Inc., 1976.
“Between the Innocent Eye and the Omniscient Mind: Phenomenology as a Method for Aesthetic
Analysis.” In Qualitative Evaluation in the Arts, ed. David W. Ecker, 19-60. New York: New
York University Press, 1980.
“Portrait of the Aesthetician as an Older Man.” Int Text, Literature and Aesthetics, ed. Lars
Asgaard-Mogensen and Luk DeVos, 97-110. Wúrzburg and Amsterdam: K and N, and
Rodopi, 1986. Simultaneously in Restart 14 (Winter 1986).
“Three Themes for Determining a Measure
of Aesthetic Literacy.” In Achieving Cultural Literacy in
the Visual Arts, 3A-12A. Tallahassee: Florida Art Education Association, 1987.
“Between Boredom and Anxiety.” A self-presentational essay included in Phenomenology in
America, ed. E. F. Kaelin and C. O. Schrag, 227-32. Dordrecht: 1989.
“Levels of Aesthetic Discourse,” with David W. Ecker. In Aesthetics and Art Education, ed. Ralph A.
Smith and Alan Simpson, 301-6. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
“An American View of the Structuralist-Poststructuralist controversy.” In Countercurrents: On the
Primacy of Texts in Literary Criticism, ed. Raymond A. Prier, 13-33. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1992.
“The Institutionalization of Aesthetic Behaviour.” In Stefan Morawski Festschrift, Primum
Philosophari, 103-17. Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa, 1993.
“The Role of Philosophy in the Development of Tragic Drama.” In Tragedy and Philosophy, ed. N.
Georgopoulos, 86-103. London: The Macmillan Press, Ltd., 1993.
“Paul Ricoeur on How to Read a Metaphor.” In The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, The Library of
Living Philosophers, 237-53. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing, 1995.
“Where the Mystery Is.” a Festschrift piece in honor of John M. Anderson. In Being Human in the
Ultimate: Studies in the Thought of J. M. Anderson, ed. N. Georgopoulos and M. Helm, 35-
49. Rodopi, VIBS, 1995.
“If You Could Only Ravel out into Time.” In Narrative Ironies, ed. Raymond A. Prier and Gerald
Gillespie, 107-21. Rodopi, Studies in Comparative Literature 5, 1997.
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“Aesthetics in Public School Teaching.” College Art Journal 18 (1958):382-91. In Collaboration.
“The Arts and Communication.” Arts in Society 1 (1959): 71-85.
“The Educational Function of the Fine Arts.” Arts in Society 1, no. 4 (1960): 47-60.
“The Meaning of Wingspresad - Conference Overview.” Arts in Society 2 (1962-63): 187-93.
“Aesthetics and the Teaching of Art.” Studies in Art Education. 5 (1964): 42-56.
“Method and Methodology in Literary Criticism.” School Review (1964): 289-308. Reprinted in
Philosophical Essays on Curriculum, ed. Robert S. Guttchen and Bertram Bandman, 317-
32. Philadelphia and New York: Lippincott, 1969.
“Notes on Style in Our Time and Others.” Arts in Society 3 (1964): 111-115.
“The Existential Grounds for Aesthetic Education.” Studies in Art Education 8 (1966): 3-12.
Reprinted in Existentialism and Phenomenology in Education, ed. D. E. Denton, 53-62.
New York: Teachers College Press, 1974.
“Censorship: But Deliver Us from Evil.” Arts in Society 4 (1967): 217-39.
“Aesthetic Education: A Role for Aesthetics Proper.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 2, no.2 (1968):
51-66. Reprinted in Aesthetics and Problems of Education, ed. Ralph A. Smith, 144-61.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971.
“Art and Existence.” Humanitas 4 (1968): 181-210.
“Isness and Oughtness.” Art Education 21 (1968): 6-10.
“The Well-Played Game:
Notes toward an Aesthetics of Sport.” Quest Monographs 10 (1968): 16-
28. Reprinted in Sport and the Body: A Philosophical Symposium, ed. Ellen W. Gerber,
306-14. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972. Re-edited 1974; 1979 by Ellen W. Gerber
and William J. Morgan, 324-31.
“Aesthetic Inquiry,” with David W. Ecker and T. J. Johnson. Review of Educational Research 39
(1969): 577-92.
“Are Behavioral Objectives Consistent with the Social Goals of Aesthetic Education?” Art Education
22 (1969): 4-8.
“Merleau-Ponty, Fundamental Ontologist.” Man and World 3 (1970): 102-19.
“The Pornographic and the Obscene
in Legal and Aesthetic Contexts.” Journal of Aesthetic
Education. Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (July 1970): 69-84.
“Responses to the Presidential Address” (D. Bob Gowin, “The Structure of Knowledge,” Philosophy
of Education Society 1970). Educational Theory 20 (Fall 1970): 334-36.
“The Social Uses of Art: A Plea for the Institution.” Arts and Society 9 (Fall-Winter 1972): 371-86.
“On ‘Form’ and ‘Content’: An Essay on Metacriticism.” boundary-2 1 (Spring 1973): 732-41.
“Perelman and the New Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 9 (Winter 1979): 2-6.
“Language as a Medium for Art.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (Winter 1981): 21-30.
“Man-the-Creator and the ‘Prototype of Action.’” Analecta Hursserliana 11 (1981): 11-37.
“The Fourteenth Way of Looking at a Blackbird.” New Literary History 14 (1982): 191-203.
“Reflections on Peirce’s Aesthetics.” The Monist 65 [issue 2] (April 1982): 142-55. Re-printed in
The Relevance of Peirce, ed. Eugene Freeman, 224-37. LaSalle, Ill.: The Monist Library of
Philosophy, 1983.
“Nature and Human Nature in Literary Contexts.” Analecta Husserliana 14 (1983): 301-26.
“Towards a Theory of Contemporary Tragedy.” Analecta Hursserliana 18 (1984): 341-61. Reprinted
in translation, “Hacia una Teoría de la tragedía contemporánea,” trans. Maria Teresa
Bertelloni, in Seminario de Fenemenología y Literatura, 35-39. Mayagüez, P.R.
Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1985.
“What Makes Philosophical Literature Philosophical?” Analecta Husserliana 19 (1985): 451-67.
“Why Teach Art in the Public Schools?” Journal of Aesthetic Education 20, no. 4 (1986): 64-71.
Reprinted in Aesthetics and Arts Education, ed. Ralph A. Smith and Alan Simpson, 162-70.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
« Etre-dans-un-monde-littéraire. »
Analecta Husserliana 23 (1988) : 407-33.
“The Construction of a Syllabus
for Aesthetics
in Art Education.” Art Education 43, no. 2 (1990): 22-
24, 33-35.
“The Debate over Stratification within Aesthetic Objects.” Analecta Husserliana 33 (1990): 123-38.
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Review Articles
On the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
by R. B. Rice, and The Value Judgement, by W. D. Lamont.
Philosophy of Science 12 (1956): 270-72.
Ethical Value,
by George F. Hourani. Philosophy of Science 24 (1957): 282-84.
The Language of Value,
ed. R. Lepley. Philosophy of Science 25 (1958): 307-8.
The Physics and Metaphysics of Music and Essays on the Philosophy of Mathematics, by L.
Saminsky. Philosophy of Science 25 (1958):309.
Science and the Idea of God,
by C. A. Coulson. Philosophy of Science 26 (1959): 372-73.
La Vocation de Descartes and La Battaille de Cogito,
by Roger Lefèvre. Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research 22 (1961) : 128-29.
Existentialism in Education,
by Van Cleve Morris. Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (1966-
67): 110-19.
The Realm of Art,
by John M. Anderson. Man and World 1 (1968): 463-70.
Critics of Consciousness:
The Existential Structures of Literature,
by Sarah Lawall. Journal of
Aesthetic Education 4 (April 1970): 163-66.
Sartre and the Artist,
by George Howard Bauer. Journal of Value Inquiry 6 (Fall 1972): 237-40.
Alternatives for Educational Research,
by Kenneth R. Beittel. Studies in Art Education 15 (1973-
74): 63-67.
Critical Fictions: The Literary Criticism of Jean-Paul Sartre,
by Joseph Halpern. Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (Winter 1976): 251-52.
Continuing Presences,
by Beverly Ann Schlack. Phenomenology Information Bullentin 3 (October
1979): 75-79.
The Metaphysics of Absurdity,
by H. Gene Blocker. Journal of Aesthetic Education 16, no. 2
(1982): 118-20.
Literary Meaning: From Phenomenology to Deconstruction,
by William Ray. Journal of Aesthetic
Education 22, no. 3 (1988): 120-22.
Philosophers in Exile,
ed. Richard Gradhoff. Canadian Philosophical Reviews 10, no. 12 (1990):
Analecta Husserliana:
The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research,
Vol. 33, ed. A.-T.
Tymieniecka. Journal of Aesthetic Education 27, no 3 (1993): 11-14.
Given Time, I: Counterfeit Money,
Jacques Derrida, Trans. Peggy Kamuff.
Review of Metaphysics
(March 1994): 608-9.
Poetics, Speculation and Judgement:
The Shadow of the Work of Art from Kant to
by Jacques Taminiaux, ed. and trans. Michael Gendre. Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52, no. 1 (1995): 102-03.
Heidegger’s Ways,
by Hans-Georg Gadamer, trans. John H. Stanley. Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism 53, no. 1 (1995): 102-3.
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Review Notes
by Charles Taylor. Social Theory and Practice 5 (Spring 1979): 264-65.
The Sense of Art: A Study in Aesthetic Education,
by Ralph A. Smith. Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism 49, no. 2 (1991): 188-89.
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Conference Papers
“On Value and the Arts.” Interdisciplinary Conference on Value, Florida State Univerity,
Tallahassee, 7 March 1975.
“Etre-dans-un-monde-littéraire.” Read at Centre International de Culture, Cérisy-la-Salle, France, 6
June 1985.
Group editorial consultation, Seminar on the Discipline-Based Art Education Monograph Draft, The
Getty Center for Education in the Arts, Scottsdale Arizona, 14-17 November 1985.
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“The Safeguarding and Foundation of Human Rights,” by Chaim Perelman. Law and Philosophy 1
(April 1982): 119-29.
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Instructional Module
The Philosophy of Aesthetics: A Phenomenological Approach (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: Empire
State College, SUNY, 1973). A mimeographed course module used in correspondence study.
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To Cite this Page
“Eugene F. Kaelin: A Bibliography of His Writings” qtd. in Special Issue: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Kaelin. From The Journal of Aesthetic Education 32, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 73-79. In Valérie C. Kaelin Website; “E. F. Kaelin, Philosophy: E. F. Kaelin, American Philosopher, a Biographical Summary.” December 13, 2012. Accessed Month, Day,Year. http://www.valeriekaelin.com.
“Eugene F. Kaelin: A Bibliography of His Writings” qtd. in Special Issue: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Kaelin. From The Journal of Aesthetic Education. Vol. 32. No. 1. Spring 1998. pp. 73-79. In Kaelin, Valérie C. E. F. Kaelin, Philosophy : E. F. Kaelin, American Philosopher, a Biographical Summary. Toronto, 13 Dec. 2012. Web. Add Day, Abbreviation for Month, Year. |